Ryan C. Moffet

Develop an efficient and cost-effective monitoring plan that addresses agency requirements. Our plans are tailored to your location’s meteorology, terrain, emission sources, and nearby receptors, and reflect your specific needs and concerns.
Implement and operate appropriate measurement technologies, including UV-DOAS, FTIR, and TDLAS, to meet regulatory requirements for measurements of toxics and criteria pollutants.
Leverage our expertise to ensure your fenceline monitoring network is installed efficiently and correctly. Sonoma Technology has installed instruments for ambient air monitoring around the country.
Ensure your fenceline monitoring network runs smoothly and meets regulation requirements. Sonoma Technology has a team of experienced field technicians and scientists who have experience decades of practice with conducting instrument maintenance to guarantee reliable operation.
Rely on our team of experienced scientists to analyze data collected from your monitoring network and answer project questions. Use our modeling tools to rapidly assess any emissions impacts and determine sources of high-concentration readings.
If required, display your real-time data online in a clear, engaging way that makes it easy for the public to understand your monitoring network and stay informed. Have confidence that required information is being provided to the public using our custom email and text alerting system.
Leverage our expertise to ensure your fenceline monitoring network meets regulatory requirements. Sonoma Technology operates over 140 instruments along refinery fencelines and reports the air quality data in real time to the public.
Apply our advanced Insight data management system to ensure that you are achieving high-quality data. This system can be used to ingest data from infield instruments and/or other data sources, automatically or manually review data, detect outliers, and generate alerts for continuous examination of data quality.
Rely on our team of experienced scientists to analyze data collected from your monitoring network and answer project questions. Use our real-time modeling tool, AQ360©, to rapidly assess any emissions impacts and determine sources of high-concentration readings.
Leverage our expertise to solve your compliance issues. Our extensive experience working with government agencies gives our private-sector clients a high level of trust in our analyses and allows us to help them understand and navigate the regulatory environment.
Design and implement monitoring networks to support air quality modeling and address issues of concern, including permit requirements and source-receptor relationships.
Support your management decisions and ensure continued compliance with regulations using accurate air quality modeling and dependable analysis. Our modeling work covers local to continental scales, historical and forecasted conditions, real-time analysis, and custom visualizations.
Sonoma Technology prepares high-quality emissions inventories by collecting emission factors and representative activity data for a variety of source types. This includes using public surveys to gather information on emissions-producing activities.
Improve your existing emissions inventories by using our refined skillset to compare emissions estimates with ambient monitoring data or remote sensing data.
Curious about sources of pollution and the general air quality in your community? Sonoma Technology can help you put together a grant to secure funding to install monitoring shelters and collect actionable data.