Pesticide Air Monitoring at Five Sites in South Central Fresno
Central California Environmental Justice Network (CCEJN)
To better understand community pesticide exposure in the AB 617 South Central Fresno Region, CCEJN retained Sonoma Technology to design and conduct a pesticide monitoring campaign. The goal was to quantify the concentrations of pesticides near communities and compare the results to health benchmarks.</p>
The project will monitor 1,3-dichloropropene (Telone), chloropicrin, and methyl isothiocyanate (MITC) at five locations over multiple 14-week monitoring seasons. Monitoring locations include sensitive receptors such as schools, mobile home parks, and environmental justice communities that might be at risk for exposure based on pesticide application data. Sonoma Technology developed and operates interactive pesticide application dashboards for Fresno and Madera counties that can be found in the links below.
The project will monitor 1,3-dichloropropene (Telone), chloropicrin, and methyl isothiocyanate (MITC) at five locations over multiple 14-week monitoring seasons. Monitoring locations include sensitive receptors such as schools, mobile home parks, and environmental justice communities that might be at risk for exposure based on pesticide application data. Sonoma Technology developed and operates interactive pesticide application dashboards for Fresno and Madera counties that can be found in the links below.
Air Quality
Community Monitoring
Environmental Justice
Policy and Planning
Public Outreach

Steve G. Brown

Northern California Regional Director / Senior Atmospheric Scientist