Air Quality Forecasting for Delaware
Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC)
Since 2020, Sonoma Technology has provided daily ozone forecasts for the State of Delaware during summer months. During summer 2023, PM<sub>2.5</sub> forecasts were added in response to smoke impacts from Canadian wildfires. This forecasting program aims to protect public health and the environment in Delaware by raising public awareness and reducing emissions during potential high-pollution episodes. At the end of each forecast season, we also provide an in-depth retrospective summary of that season’s air quality conditions and trends, as well as a detailed look at the weather conditions impacting air quality that year and any extraordinary events, such as wildfires, that may have led to poor air quality. These seasonal reports also evaluate forecast performance and provide a seasonal outlook for the following forecast season based on climate models and trends.
Air Quality
Public Outreach

Patrick H. Zahn

Forecasting Program Lead / Project Manager