Ambient Air Quality Monitoring at the Sunshine Canyon Landfill in Los Angeles, California

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Ambient Air Quality Monitoring at the Sunshine Canyon Landfill in Los Angeles, California
City of Los Angeles
County of Los Angeles
Sonoma Technology conducts continuous ambient air quality monitoring of particulate matter (PM) and black carbon (BC) pollution and meteorological parameters at the Sunshine Canyon Landfill outside of Los Angeles, California, to quantify the effects of landfill operations on air quality in neighboring communities. Sonoma Technology has worked with the City and County of Los Angeles on this ongoing project since 2007.<br>

To quantitatively estimate the impacts of landfill operations on local air quality, PM and BC concentrations are measured at two monitoring sites that are operated and maintained by Sonoma Technology. Sonoma Technology scientists apply statistical methods to the data to quantitatively estimate the impact of the landfill operations on ambient air quality. We provide the City and County with an internal website that provides automatic, routine display of continuous PM, BC, and meteorological data from both monitoring sites, and Sonoma Technology data scientists review the data daily. Data are validated and reported to the City and County quarterly and annually, and bi-annual meetings between the City, County, our scientists, and the public are conducted to discuss the monitoring program.<br>

Over the lifetime of this project, Sonoma Technology has achieved better than 95% data recovery for the 1-hour data collected.<br>
Air Quality
Community Monitoring
Public Outreach
Sunshine Canyon Landfill Monitoring
Sunshine Canyon Landfill Monitoring

Bryan M. Penfold

Submitted by rspencerdev on
Bryan M. Penfold
Manager, Data Science Department / GIS Coordinator