Greenhouse Gas Emissions Benefit Quantification for Forest Management and Fire Prevention Projects
California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)
Sonoma Technology provided modeling and analytical services to CAL FIRE to support quantification of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions benefits associated with two sets of projects; the CAL FIRE California Climate Investments (CCI) Forest Health Program projects, and the Fire Prevention Priority Projects. The GHG quantification for each project is required by the California Air Resources Board (CARB), CCI, and funding guidelines for administering agencies.
The Fire Prevention Priority Projects are 35 projects that protect 200 of California’s most wildfire-vulnerable communities. Governor Gavin Newsom ordered these projects to be immediately expedited when he proclaimed a state of emergency throughout California in March 2019.
The Forest Health Program projects are 39 large landscape-scale projects totaling over $150 million in funding that seek to restore forest health, protect watersheds, promote carbon storage, and deliver other economic, environmental, and public health benefits.
Following the Forest Health Program Quantification Methodology developed by CAL FIRE and CARB, Sonoma Technology scientists used various forestry and fire ecology models and carbon stock and GHG calculators to quantify the net GHG emissions benefits associated with these projects.
The Fire Prevention Priority Projects are 35 projects that protect 200 of California’s most wildfire-vulnerable communities. Governor Gavin Newsom ordered these projects to be immediately expedited when he proclaimed a state of emergency throughout California in March 2019.
The Forest Health Program projects are 39 large landscape-scale projects totaling over $150 million in funding that seek to restore forest health, protect watersheds, promote carbon storage, and deliver other economic, environmental, and public health benefits.
Following the Forest Health Program Quantification Methodology developed by CAL FIRE and CARB, Sonoma Technology scientists used various forestry and fire ecology models and carbon stock and GHG calculators to quantify the net GHG emissions benefits associated with these projects.
Air Quality
Fire and Smoke

Samantha J. Kramer

Manager, Wildland Fire and Smoke Program