Enhancements to SpareTheAir.com Website, Air Alert Email System, and Mobile Air Quality App
Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District (SMAQMD)
Sonoma Technology designed, developed, and operated the SMAQMD’s <a href="http://sparetheair.com/" target="_blank">SpareTheAir.com</a href> website and Air Alert email notification system. Features included an easy-to-use air quality forecast display on the home page, an AQI calculator, Air Alert information, and administrator tools for managing website content. Additional software was developed to update a Twitter feed with the SMAQMD air quality forecasts.<br>
Sonoma Technology also developed a mobile application to display regional air quality information. The Sacramento Region Air Quality app for iOS and Android is available free from app stores. The app includes push notification functionality to alert users of potential unhealthy ozone concentrations as part of the Spare The Air summertime forecasting program. It also provides Check Before You Burn information for the Sacramento, California, region.<br>
SMAQMD has also retained Sonoma Technology to provide ozone and <a href="/projects/4056" target="_blank">PM<sub>2.5</sub> air quality forecasting and air alerts since 1996</a href>. This work included developing software that generates real-time ozone maps and distributes this information to the public.
Sonoma Technology also developed a mobile application to display regional air quality information. The Sacramento Region Air Quality app for iOS and Android is available free from app stores. The app includes push notification functionality to alert users of potential unhealthy ozone concentrations as part of the Spare The Air summertime forecasting program. It also provides Check Before You Burn information for the Sacramento, California, region.<br>
SMAQMD has also retained Sonoma Technology to provide ozone and <a href="/projects/4056" target="_blank">PM<sub>2.5</sub> air quality forecasting and air alerts since 1996</a href>. This work included developing software that generates real-time ozone maps and distributes this information to the public.
Air Quality
Policy and Planning
Public Outreach
Websites and Apps

Patrick H. Zahn

Forecasting Program Lead / Project Manager