Numerical Air Quality Forecast Training in Ningbo, China
Ningbo Environmental Monitoring Center
Sonoma Technology scientists developed and conducted a five-day training course on numerical air quality prediction and modeling at the Ningbo Environmental Monitoring Center (NEMC). A medium-sized city, Ningbo is located in Zhejiang Province in the Yangzi River Delta area in eastern China.
The training course provided an introduction to numerical prediction systems, meteorological and emissions modeling, photochemical air quality modeling, and the building and operation of the numerical prediction system. The Sonoma Technology team also gave examples of operational air quality prediction systems and provided recommendations to NEMC staff for the development of numerical prediction models suitable for Ningbo.
The training course at NEMC built capacity in air quality forecasting, an important tool in air quality management. Sustained and proactive planning measures, such as air quality modeling, allow agencies to undertake special actions to reduce emissions and lessen air quality impacts.
The training course provided an introduction to numerical prediction systems, meteorological and emissions modeling, photochemical air quality modeling, and the building and operation of the numerical prediction system. The Sonoma Technology team also gave examples of operational air quality prediction systems and provided recommendations to NEMC staff for the development of numerical prediction models suitable for Ningbo.
The training course at NEMC built capacity in air quality forecasting, an important tool in air quality management. Sustained and proactive planning measures, such as air quality modeling, allow agencies to undertake special actions to reduce emissions and lessen air quality impacts.
Air Quality
Public Outreach

Alan C. Chan

Vice President of International Programs