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Staff Member Position
Atmospheric Scientist / Kids Making Sense Program Manager
Staff Member Bio
Olivia joined Sonoma Technology in 2019. She has over a decade of experience in atmospheric chemistry research and analysis. Her current projects include analyzing ambient data for toxic metals as part of community air monitoring efforts, conducting source apportionment assessments, and supporting geographic information system (GIS) work. She has a strong interest in communicating environmental issues across scientific disciplines and to the public through outreach efforts. Olivia has been an Air Quality Fellow for the U.S. State Department–U.S. EPA Global Air Quality Fellowship program since 2020. In this role, she continues to support the U.S. Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina with their air quality measurements and improvement strategies.
Olivia has a strong interest in communicating environmental information across scientific disciplines and to the public through outreach efforts. In her role as Program Manager of Kids Making Sense, she coordinates projects with teachers, schools, and community groups. She leads business development, program implementation, social media efforts, curriculum development, and teacher trainings, and works with tribes and community groups to develop specifically tailored learning modules.
Outside of work, Olivia enjoys traveling, art, yoga, and making cake toppers for wedding cakes. Olivia is a member of the American Geophysical Union and the American Chemical Society. She earned her BS in Chemistry (magna cum laude) from the University of California, Irvine, and her MS and PhD from the University of California, San Diego. She also has a mini-MBA certification from the Rady School of Management.
Olivia has a strong interest in communicating environmental information across scientific disciplines and to the public through outreach efforts. In her role as Program Manager of Kids Making Sense, she coordinates projects with teachers, schools, and community groups. She leads business development, program implementation, social media efforts, curriculum development, and teacher trainings, and works with tribes and community groups to develop specifically tailored learning modules.
Outside of work, Olivia enjoys traveling, art, yoga, and making cake toppers for wedding cakes. Olivia is a member of the American Geophysical Union and the American Chemical Society. She earned her BS in Chemistry (magna cum laude) from the University of California, Irvine, and her MS and PhD from the University of California, San Diego. She also has a mini-MBA certification from the Rady School of Management.
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Staff Member Resume
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Staff Member Publications
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