Garnet B. Erdakos

Submitted by rspencerdev on
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Staff Member Title
Staff Member Position
Group Manager, Atmospheric and Emissions Modeling / Senior Scientist
Staff Member Bio
Since joining Sonoma Technology in 2011, Garnet has worked on a wide variety of air quality modeling projects. Her primary focus has been on modeling air quality impacts of roadway transportation projects and providing quantitative PM hot-spot analysis support. She develops technical guidance and training sessions involving the application of the AERMOD dispersion model and software tools to streamline analyses. Her PM hot-spot analysis support also includes evaluation of transportation project characteristics and modeling approaches. Her transportation-related work also covers zero emission vehicles (ZEVs) and the impact of increasing ZEV adoption on air quality. Garnet also performs photochemical grid modeling to evaluate impacts of various types of emissions sources on regional air quality and quantify source contributions. She also does modeling and data analysis work for Sonoma Technology’s litigation support services.
Garnet enjoys creating data visualizations, writing technical reports, and preparing and giving presentations. She appreciates the practical application of science, collaboration, and being a team leader. Outside of work, Garnet’s favorite activities are running and hiking with her dog. She also likes listening to NPR programs, listening to music, trying to play her guitar, crafting soap and lip balm when her supply runs low, and reading, lately about politics and political history. Garnet earned her BS in physics, with a minor in mathematics, from Illinois State University, and her MS and PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering from Oregon Graduate Institute and Oregon Health and Science University, respectively.
Staff Member Color Image
Garnet B. Erdakos
Staff Member Black and White Image
Garnet B. Erdakos
Staff Member Resume
GBEres.pdf204.77 KB
Staff Member Publications
GBEpub_0.pdf201.68 KB